Anadolu Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı’nın (AKEV) İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi işbirliği ile düzenlediği Photograph art and painting themed seminar Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) organized with Istanbul Aydın University, was carried out between 21 – 23 December 2009 with the participation of painter and photographer Şakir Sağlam. Şakir Sağlam emphasized the difference between painting and photography in the seminar. He defined painting as linear and colorful works done by hand and shared examples of the T-Painting approach with young people.

The seminar on the art of photography and painting organized by Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University was held with the participation of painter and photographer Şakir Sağlam. Şakir Sağlam emphasized the difference between painting and photography in the seminar. The artist defined painting as linear and colorful works made by hand and shared examples of the T-Painting approach with the youth.
Turkish Petroleum Markets: Past and Present Panel the Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) organized with Istanbul Aydın University, was carried out on 7 April 2021. Energy Market Regulatory Board Head of Audit Department Mehmet İbiş, Petroleum Industry Association General Secretary Dr. Erol Metin, METU Alumni Association Energy Commission Member Serhakan Piyade, Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Law Lecturer Prof. Dr. Yılmaz Aslan, Vice Rector of IAU Hasan Saygın participated to the panel. Dr. Erol Metin stated “There is an increasing tax burden in this sector, 50% of 1 liter of gasoline goes to SCT, 15% to VAT, 65% to tax. Turkey’s energy components consist of oil, natural gas and coal. This component meets 95% of Turkey’s energy needs”. With the new law enacted in the oil market between 2003 and 2008, the demand for fuel of that period increased. As an important tax element, fuel provides an additional tax of 2-3 billion TL to Turkey every year. The developments in the world oil market have reflections in Turkey as well. The stations in Turkey are among the important examples in the world in terms of both quality and operation. Changing rules in the energy market, increasing competition, changing the dealer and distribution relations of partnerships in the sector with new laws were also among the highlighted issues. There are 4 refineries, 53 distributor companies, 82 warehouses and 12,701 stations in the fuel sector in Turkey. 250 thousand people are employed here and it has been reported that the fuel market has reached a monetary size of 75 billion TL today. Istanbul Aydın University Rector Prof. Dr. Salih Çelikkale stated “oil is the world’s favorite. Turkey is an oil importing country and a significant budget has to be allocated for this.” The panel event ended with presenting a plaque to the participants.

In the organization held by Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University, Minister Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aydın carried out a Alliance of Civilizations conference on 19 February 2010. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aydın stated “The Alliance of Civilizations is a world project under the auspices of the United Nations. On the other hand, there are over 110 participating members in the alliance. Each country has implemented a number of projects related to the alliance on a national scale. The alliance of civilizations is a political and political project, not an alliance established to prevent hot conflicts and terrorism. The Alliance of Civilizations is a democratic form of government rooted in culture and civilization. management with differences is a priority situation and the authority to decide on the steps to be taken is the political authorities.”

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Kadir Topbaş participated to the “Problems of Local Governments and New Projects Interview” organized by Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University. The interview program was held on 9 February 2010 at Istanbul Aydın University Florya Halit Aydın Campus with high participation of young people. Topbaş discussed the problems of Istanbul and solution projects. Topbaş stated “Metrobus had a positive effect on the transportation problem. The road, which carries 150 thousand people a day in the east-west direction and will reach a total of 54 km, will continue until Beylikdüzü” Topbaş talked about the expected earthquake in Istanbul and the work they did on the 2010 European Capital of Culture election and answered the questions of the participants.
“History of Nuclear Power” seminar organized by Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University, was carried out on 25 November 2009 with the participation of Honorary Member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences Prof. Dr. Namık Kemal Aras. In the seminar, Prof. Dr. Namık Kemal Aras stated “Nuclear energy should be preferred for a clean environment. It is certain that nuclear energy, which is far from the global warming the world is facing and the carbon dioxide production that contributes to it, is one of the cleanest energy types for the environment. It is a great work to develop an unknown power in a short time and to do this with thousands of scientists and technicians with the meticulousness and coordination of science, technique and engineering branches.” Aras also shared the history of development of nuclear power with the participants during the conference presentation. |
With the aim of bringing together institutions and organizations working in the field of disaster management, to understand Turkey’s disaster risks, to discuss how we are prepared for disasters, to identify needs in humanitarian aid and disaster management, to share information and experience, and to lay the foundations of future cooperation, seminar and charettee were organized on 23-24 October 2009 with the cooperation of Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV), Istanbul Aydın University, and Support to Life Foundation. Dr. Nehir Varol from International Blue Crescent, Zafer Karakaş from Turkish Red Crescent Disaster Operation Center, Prof. Dr. Metin İlkışık from Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality AKOM, Prof. Dr. Şerif Barış from Kocaeli University YUBAM, Hansın Doğan from United Nations Development Program, Tuğrul Paşaoğlu from Association for Supporting Civil Coordination Against Disaster, were participated to this activity as speakers. Opinions were discussed on finding appropriate ways to increase efficiency in disaster management, bringing forward the best coordination between institutions and organizations on how to meet the humanitarian needs that may arise in case of disaster before disasters occur, examining the mechanisms, duration and systems used in disaster management, identifying new methods that can be used in both operational and advocacy activities. It was emphasized that the structural environment in which non-governmental organizations operate and the legislation regulating disaster management should be more encouraging in order to ensure effectiveness in disaster management.
The symposium organized by Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University was carried out on 14 – 15 April 2009 with the presentations of 50 scientists from both domestic and abroad. Government Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Hayati Yazıcı and Minister of Justice Mehmet Ali Şahin initiated the symposium. High Court Honorary President Prof. Dr. Sami Selçuk managed the closing session. Center for Studies on Turkey Director Assist. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Karahan Uslu, Istanbul Aydın University Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Salih Çelikkale and Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) President Dr. Mustafa Aydın gave speech at the symposium. Minister of Justice Mehmet Ali Şahin emphasized that the understanding of democracy is based on the will of the people, and democracy in our country came out stronger after all the difficulties it went through, and the justification of the representative democracy in our country was questioned from time to time by our citizens. Government Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Hayati Yazıcı stated “deepening of democracy will be the biggest guarantee of Turkey’s bright future. Just as we, as a society, closely follow the changes and transformations in the world and welcome the fact that our country is changing in the direction of contemporary civilization with great excitement, we should also pay attention to the expansions gained by the concept of democracy. The greatest duty and responsibility in this matter falls on scientists.” AKEV and Istanbul Aydın University President Dr. Mustafa Aydın and High Court Honorary President Prof. Dr. Sami Selçuk and other participants were given plaque. |
The conference organized by Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University was carried out on 7 April 2009. Secretary General of the Turkish Tourism Investors Association Koray Yetik was a speaker in the conference. Turkish Tourism Investors Association, since its establishment, has been helping tourism and tourism investors in solving various problems, explaining the importance of tourism investment to the public, making efforts to increase the share of our country in world tourism day by day, and representing people and companies investing in the tourism sector. is a non-governmental organization. In his presentation of an overview of tourism in Turkey, Koray Yetik emphasized that environmental awareness should be increased in tourism, liquid and solid waste systems should be resolved at the local level, not on a facility basis, additional funds should be created by transferring resources from central budgets and by acting jointly with facilities and municipalities in this regard. Including municipalities and professional organizations, all private and public institutions should cooperate to find solutions to the problems of tourism.
Yetik stated “It is inevitable for institutions to act jointly by joining forces on infrastructure and promotion issues. Destination promotions play a vital role in international fairs. In this context, local stands should be included in fairs. More civic initiatives should be used to address local and regional problems. Thus, tourism professionals should join non-governmental organizations and work actively in these organizations.”
At the conference organized in cooperation with the Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Hilmi Güler stated “Concrete projects are being produced against foreign dependence on energy. We are in an application that gradually reduces or even eliminates foreign dependency by using the resources we have. We focused on new energy sources in relation to their work on renewable energy sources. First, we built tribunes on wasted water and generated electricity in this way with 1600 projects. About Turkey’s wind map and benefiting from wind, we raised Turkey to the 12th rank in Europe. We also benefit from solar energy and geothermal energy. Solar maps of each province and district were created. In terms of geothermal energy, we are potentially the first in Europe and the 7th in the world. We are working to use our geothermal energy resources in electricity generation and greenhouse cultivation.” At the end of the conference, AKEV and Istanbul Aydın University President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın presented an appreciation plaque to Minister Güler.

Anadolu Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı (AKEV) ve İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi işbirliğiyle düzenlediği “Global Kriz ve Türk Sanayisine Etkileri” konulu konferans Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanı Zafer Çağlayan’ın teşrifiyle düzenlenmiştir. Gençlerin büyük ilgi gösterdiği konferansta konuşmasına “Bugün yaşanan krizi nerede ve ne zaman duracağı belli olmayan freni patlamış bir kamyon gibi görüyorum” diye başlayan Çağlayan, “Ancak hiçbir ülkede başlayıp, bitmeyen kriz yoktur” diyerek, bu krizin de en az hasarla atlatılacağını vurgulamıştır.
Bakan Çağlayan, Türkiye’nin dışa açık ekonomik politikası, önemli coğrafi konumu ve son yıllarda artan ihracatı dolayısıyla bugün yaşanan küresel krizin etkisi altında olduğunu söylemiştir. Türk Sanayisinin geldiği durumun son derece olumlu olduğunu belirten Çağlayan; Türkiye’nin 132 milyar dolar ihracatının yüzde 90’ından fazlasının sanayi ürünü olduğunu ve ihracatın yüzde 60’ını Avrupa’ya yaptığını bildirmiştir. Siyasi ve ekonomik istikrar, hukuki altyapı gibi unsurlara bakan yabancı yatırımcıların son 5 yılda Türkiye’ye 60 milyar dolar yatırım yaptığını belirtmiştir.
Türkiye’nin 2023’te dünyanın ilk 10 ekonomisi arasına girme hedefi bulunduğunu anımsatan Çağlayan, bütün planları bu çerçevede yaptıklarını, şu anda da piyasanın canlanması, çalışanların işini kaybetmemesi için pek çok önlem aldıklarını ifade etmiştir. Konuşmasının ardından AKEV ve İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyeti Başkanı Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Bakan Zafer Çağlayan’a bir teşekkür plaketi takdim etmiştir.

Minister of Industry and Trade Zafer Çağlayan participated the “Global Crisis and Its Effects on Turkish Industry Conference” held in cooperation with the Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University on 20 March 2009. Young people showed great interest in the conference. In the conference Minister Çağlayan stated “I see today’s crisis as a truck with a broken brake that doesn’t know where or when it will stop. However, there is no crisis that starts and ends in any country. This crisis will also be overcome with the least damage. Due to its open economic policy, important geographical location and increasing exports in recent years, Turkey is under the influence of the global crisis today. The current situation of the Turkish Industry is extremely positive. More than 90% of Turkey’s 132 billion dollars export is industrial products. 60% of exports are made to Europe. Foreign investors look at factors such as political and economic stability and legal infrastructure. In the last 5 years, 60 billion dollars have been invested in Turkey. Turkey aims to be among the top 10 economies of the world by 2023. All plans are made within this framework. Today, we have taken many measures to revive the market and prevent employees from losing their jobs.” After his speech, AKEV and Istanbul Aydın University President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın presented an appreciation plaque to Minister Zafer Çağlayan.
Women, Politics, Violence Panel held in cooperation with the Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University on 8 March 2009, International Women’s Day. Ayseli Göksoy, Aylin Kotil, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru Ceylan and Nevval Sevindi participated to the panel. In this panel , problems related to women were discussed and opinions and suggestions were presented on the place of women in society. In this panel, President of Turkish Women’s Union and Politician Ayseli Göksoy stated “Women are exposed to violence. Although secret and political games are exhibited, in fact, with their common sense and creative features, they can successfully fulfill any task when women’s path is opened.” Businesswoman and journalist Aylin Kotil said “There is a great decline in women’s employment in Turkey and mothers still raise their sons as ‘pasha son’. Although boys in Turkey are provided with a job and a profession, mothers want their daughters to marry a wealthy man. It is important for girls to have a profession.”. Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Law Academician Assoc. Prof. Ebru Ceylan remarked “On the way to becoming a society where women are valued, the most important reform made by Atatürk is the law reform. As of January 10, 2002, innovations came to the Civil Code. In this framework, gender equality and inequality provisions have been revised, women’s labor and working at home are also considered as a contribution in the civil law. Also, the head of the family was abolished” |
The interview activity was held on 10 May 2005 with the cooperation of Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Anadolu BIL Vocational School and aiming to bring young people together with the art world. Many young people participated in the interview program that artist Kenan Işık was a speaker. Many evaluations on art, theater and cinema were made. |
The interview activity was held on 10 May 2005 with the cooperation of Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Anadolu BIL Vocational School and aiming to bring young people together with the art world. Many young people participated in the interview program that artist Kenan Işık was a speaker. Many evaluations on art, theater and cinema were made.

Avrupa Birliği ve Akdeniz ülkelerinden 180 belediye başkanı ve yöneticisinin üye olduğu Avrupa–Akdeniz Bölgesel İşbirliği Komitesi COPPEM; Başkanlık Divanı, Şehirler ve Bölgelerarası işbirliğinden sorumlu ikinci komisyonu toplantısını Anadolu Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı ev sahipliğinde Anadolu BİL Meslek Yüksekokulunda gerçekleştirdi.
Türkiye’den; Yerel Yönetimler Derneği ve Kars Belediye Başkanı Naif Alibeyoğlu, Türk Dünyası Belediyeler Birliği ve Pendik Belediye Başkanı Erol Kaya, Ankara Yenimahalle Belediye Başkanı Ahmet Duyar, İstanbul Maltepe Belediye Başkanı Fikri Köse başta olmak üzere toplam 12 belediye başkanı veya STK yöneticisi üyesi bulunan COPPEM’in II. Komisyon toplantısı; İtalya, İrlanda, Fas, Ürdün, Lübnan, Mısır, Hollanda, İsrail, Malta, Macaristan, Tunus, Polonya, Filistin, Belçika, Yunanistan, Estonya, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Kıbrıs ve Portekiz’den 70 delegenin katılımıyla gerçekleşti.

Europe-Mediterranean Regional Cooperation Committee COPPEM, of which 180 mayors and administrators from the European Union and Mediterranean countries are members, held the Presidency Council, second commission meeting responsible for Cities and Interregional cooperation in Anadolu BIL Vocational School hosted by Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation. II. commission meeting of COPPEM, which is an NGO executive member, and 12 Municipality Mayors especially Local Authorities Association and Mayor of Kars Municipality Naif Alibeyoğlu, Turkish World Municipalities Union and Pendik Municipality Mayor Erol Kaya, Ankara Yenimahalle Municipality Mayor Ahmet Duyar,Istanbul Maltepe Municipality Mayor Fikri Köse from Turkey, was carried out with 70 delegates from Italy, Ireland, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Netherlands, Israel, Malta, Hungary, Tunisia, Poland, Palestine, Belgium, Greece, Estonia, Czech Republic, Cyprus and Portugal. |
Anadolu Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı (AKEV) ve Anadolu BİL Meslek Yüksekokulu koordinasyonu ile yaşamını edebiyata, okumaya, yazmaya adamış bir yazarın, Sn. Selim İleri’nin Yorumundan “Çağdaş Türk Edebiyatı” isimli söyleşi düzenlenmiştir.

“Contemporary Turkish Literature” interview from interpretation of Selim İleri, a writer who devoted his life to literature, reading, writing, was carried out on 10 January 2005 with the coordination of Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Anadolu BIL Vocational School.