Environment and Community Health
‘Bağımsız Yaşam Sahası (Independent Living Space)’ Project is organized with the cooperation of Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV), Istanbul Aydın University, Turkish Anti-Smoking Association(TSSD), and T.R National Agency.
Volunteer youth between the ages of 18-30 from Algeria, Croatia, Spain, Morocco, Poland and Turkey will participate in the project organized for fighting against addiction. In addition to their work with the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) of which they are members in their countries, the volunteers will also take part in the “Independent Living Space” project to be held in Turkey. Cigarettes, alcohol, technology and other addictions will be discussed.
The project on the fight against addiction and solution proposals will take place on April 3-10, 2016 at Istanbul Aydın University Tepekent Social Facilities.
In the project, which includes cultural and educational programs, Istanbul trips will be organized for students, and our historical and cultural values will be explained. During the trainings, with the “Culture Sharing” night, students will make local introductions and contribute to intercultural communication.
Students will stay 8 nights in Istanbul Aydın University Tepekent Social Facilities, prepared in the comfort of a hotel, and will benefit from social areas such as swimming, fitness, sauna, basketball and volleyball.
Expert trainers and speakers will participate in the project. Among the activities of the project; there will be information seminars, sports and resuscitation activities, workshops, conversations with people who have experienced addiction, and campaign design.
In the project in which all young people participate voluntarily, young people will build new ideas through active sharing, use non-formal and informal education methods. In addition to its social purpose, within the scope of the project, which contributes to cultural friendships, more people will be reached and the project will be expanded.
The “Faces of Smoking Addicts” Photo Exhibition and panel, organized in cooperation with the Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV), Istanbul Aydın University and the Turkish Anti-Smoking Association, was held at Istanbul Aydın University, the Faculty of Fine Arts.
The president of AKEV and Turkish Anti-Smoking Association Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın made the opening of exhibition and a photographic document of the threat of cigarette addiction on human life is exhibited for audience.
The panel event, which focused on protecting humanity against smoking, which is one of the most important problems faced by humanity today and seriously threatening human life and health, and the complete elimination of cigarettes in the world, took place with intense participation. The importance of completely eliminating smoking from human society was emphasized in the panel, by using all kinds of legal instruments.

Healthy Nutrition Seminar organized by Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University, was carried out in IAU Florya Halit Aydın Campus on 22 April 2009 with the participation of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muazzez Garipağaoğlu. Gariağaoğlu has been studying on child nutrition, obesity, diabetes and public health for long years. Gariağaoğlu stated “Young people should pay attention to their eating habits, avoid foods high in salt and fat, and acidic beverages. Wholemeal bread and fiber foods should be consumed. Excessive salt and oily foods should be avoided in the diet. Beyond meeting daily energy and nutrients in nutrition, eating healthy is the most important requirement for a healthy life” Assoc. Prof. Muazzez Garipağaoğlu gave seminar about nutrition of babies in the 0-6 months period, the importance of breast milk, healthy nutrition. Assoc. Prof. Muazzez Garipağaoğlu remarked “Babies should be strictly breastfed for the first two years. Breast milk is like natural vaccine”
Skin and Body Health Seminar organized by Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University, was carried out on 27 March 2009 with the presentation of Dr. Sinan İbiş. Dr. İbiş remarked “The biggest problem of Turkish people is excess weight, regional lubrication and cellulite. In terms of aesthetics and beauty, cellulite happens not only in women but also in men. Cellulite is associated with obesity and regional adiposity. Young people should protect their skin from the cold. Special care is required for the skin during the winter months. To accelerate the regeneration of the skin, serums containing plenty of vitamin C and protein, and lotions containing glycolic acid should be used” |
Extreme Slimming and Obesity Seminar organized by Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University, was carried out on 4 March 2009 with the presentation of Ender Saraç. Saraç stated “Extreme thinness is among the threats as well as obesity. In general, excessive and malnutrition, and lack of physical activity cause obesity. In addition to these factors, many genetic, environmental, neurological, physiological, biochemical, socio-cultural and psychological factors can cause obesity. The increase in childhood obesity, especially in the whole world, is so high that it cannot be explained only by changes in genetic structure. It has been accepted that the role of environmental factors in the formation of obesity is at the forefront. Kwashiorkor syndrome is a kind of extreme weakness that occurs due to low calorie and protein deficiency as a result of nutritional deficiencies. Children with this syndrome are very weak and may experience swelling (edema) in their bodies due to the lack of albumin in the blood, and darkening of the skin due to vitamin deficiency. Mortality may be high with reduced resistance to infections. Although weakness can be seen in children fed with insufficient protein in our country, yoghurt and buttermilk, which are a common nutritional tool in villages, prevent the occurrence of Kwashiorkor syndrome.” |
Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis Serminar organized by Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University, was carried out in IAU Florya Halit Aydın Campus on 6 September 2008 with the participation of The Tohum Autism Early Diagnosis and Education Foundation Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Binyamin BİRKAN. In the seminar, It was emphasized that early diagnosis and special education are very important in order to reintegrate children with autism and pervasive developmental disorders into society. According to studies, one out of every 150 children shows autistic behaviors and the need for manpower working in the field of special education is increasing day by day. General informations were given about treatment of autism and severe developmental disability, development of individualized education program, teaching social interaction, language and speaking skills. |
Global Warming and Environmental Issues Panel organized by Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) and Istanbul Aydın University, was carried out in IAU Florya Halit Aydın Campus on 2 August 2007. In the opening speech made by AKEV President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın, it was reported that the effects of global warming, which causes changes in the world climate system, are felt all over the world, from the highest peaks to the depths of the ocean, from the equator to the poles. It was emphasized that the use of energy in the world is constantly increasing, and although the technology being used changes in the short term, it is not possible to stop the increase in carbon dioxide emissions. With the increase of air circulation and construction in urbanized areas, as a result of the deterioration of the natural climatic environment, there is local warming and such local warming has an increasing effect on global warming. The panel activity, which was held with the participation of environmental activists and representatives of non-governmental organizations, ended with the planting of tree saplings with children.

“Effects of Addictive Substances on Human Intelligence” conference organized with the cooperation of Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV), Anadolu BIL Vocational School, and Turkish Anti-Smoking Association was carried out in Anadolu BIL Vocational School Conference Hall on 7 May 2007. AKEV President Dr. Mustafa Aydın opened the conference. Emphasizing that addictive substances are a human problem that harms humanity in today’s world, regardless of religion, language, race, strong or weak, the participation and interest of the youth was intense. Dr. Aydın emphasized how and where especially young people encounter the concept of addiction, how they become addicted and how to get rid of it by examining the situation and causes of substance addiction from an individual point of view in the form of small expansions. Dr. Mustafa Aydın remarked “It is important to initiate social action against addictive substances” |
“Methods of Combating Smoking and Drugs” panel organized with the cooperation of Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV), Anadolu BIL Vocational School, and Turkish Anti-Smoking Association was carried out in the association center on 31 May 2006. Many anti-smoking people from business, press, art, academic environment were participated the panel opened by AKEV President Dr. Mustafa Aydın. In the panel, importance of preventing smoking, drug and substance addiction completely in the society was emphasized. Dr. Mustafa Aydın stated “In today’s world, substance abuse is a humanity problem that both societies and personalities are injured and damaged and that needs to be examined from a very broad perspective” Prof. Dr. Arif Verimli gave information about the important and general causes of substance use and the precautions to be taken.
Negative Effects of Drugs on Human Health Conference organized with the cooperation of Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV), Anadolu BIL Vocational School, and Turkish Anti-Smoking Association was carried out in Anadolu BIL Vocational School on 17 December 2004. |

Bahçelievler Belediyesi, Anadolu Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı (AKEV), Sigarayla Savaşanlar Derneği işbirliği ile düzenlenen “Bağımlılık Yapan Maddelerin İnsan Zekâsına ve Toplumsal Yaşama Zararlı Etkileri” konferansı Bahçelievler Belediyesi Konferans Salonu’nda gerçekleştirildi.
Bahçelievler Belediye Başkanı Sn. Osman Develioğlu bağımlılık yapan maddelerin yol açtığı yıkıcı sağlık, sosyal, çevresel ve ekonomik sorunlara karşı yürütülen mücadele kapsamında; gençlerimizin bağımlılık kavramı ile nasıl ve nerede karşılaştıkları, nasıl bağımlı oldukları ve kurtulma yolları, madde kullanımının önemli ve genel nedenlerinden ve alınması gereken tedbirleri hakkında konuşmasını gerçekleştirdi.
AKEV Mütevelli Heyet Başkanı Sn. Dr. Mustafa Aydın ise günümüz dünyasında madde bağımlılığının, insanlık üzerinde din, dil, ırk, güçlü güçsüz ayrımı yapmadan hem toplumların hem de kişiliklerin zarar gördüğü çok geniş açıdan incelenmesi gereken bir insanlık sorunu olduğunu vurguladı.

Anadolu Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı (AKEV) ve Sigarayla Savaşanlar Derneği işbirliği ile “Sigara, uyuşturucu ve bağımlılık yapan maddelere karşı duyarlılığın artırılması” konferans ve paneli Vakıf Merkezi’nde gerçekleşti.
Konferansta sigaraya, içkiye ve uyuşturucuya başlama yaşının ilköğretim sınırına kadar inecek hale gelmesi, disiplinsizliğin hızla tırmanması, bir kısmı kalıcı yaralanma ve bir kısmı da ölüm olmak üzere şiddet kullanımı, hatta okul idarelerini ve öğretmenleri çekindirecek düzeylere yükselmeye başlaması eğitimimizde ciddi bir problem oluştuğunun göstergesi olarak vurgulandı.

Negative Effects of Smoking and Drugs in Human and Community Life Seminar organized with the cooperation of Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV), BIL Private Teaching Institutions, and Turkish Anti-Smoking Association was carried out in the Association Center on 31 May 2006. In these conference presentations, the importance of completely removing cigarette, drug and substance addiction from human society by using all kinds of legal means was emphasized. AKEV President Dr. Mustafa Aydın stated “Today, substance abuse harms both societies and personalities. Substance abuse is a human problem that needs to be examined from a very broad perspective”

Healthy Nutrition and Healthy Living Seminar, organization of Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV), was carried out in the center of association on 9 April 2001. In this seminar program, information was given to the participants on many subjects such as obesity, diabetes and public health, especially child nutrition.And also, it was recommended that young people pay attention to their dietary habits, avoid foods high in salt and fat, and acidic beverages. It was emphasized that wholemeal bread and fibrous foods should be consumed, in addition to meeting daily energy and nutrients, healthy nutrition is the most important requirement for a healthy life, and healthy societies are formed with healthy individuals. |
Extreme Slimming and Obesity Seminar which Ender Saraç participated as speaker, organization of Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV), was carried out on 5 March 2001. In the seminar, it was emphasized that obesity, which is rapidly increasing in the world, is related to changing nutritional habits and being extremely slim is a factor that threatens human health as much as obesity. It has been reported that excessive and wrong nutrition and lack of physical activity cause obesity in general, also, genetic, environmental, neurological, physiological, biochemical, socio-cultural and psychological factors can also cause obesity in relation to each other. |
Harms of Smoking Panel and Session Seminar organized with the cooperation of Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV), and Turkish Anti-Smoking Association was carried out in the Association Center on 10 February 2000. One of the most important problems humanity faces today is smoking, which seriously threatens human life and health. The panel event, which focused on protecting humanity and eliminating cigarettes completely, was carried out with high participation.

Environment and Community Health Conference organized by Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV), was carried out in the association center on 5 June 2000. The seminar was opened by AKEV Presient Dr. Mustafa Aydın. The seminar was supported by many participants from business, press, art and academia. Dr. Aydın stated “All segments of society should be informed and conscious about the environment. Positive and permanent behavioral changes should be gained and active participation of individuals should be ensured for problem solving. Education should be given on environmental and health issues.” |